Monday 13 February 2012

Nothing here!!! ;)

Bye :p

Monday 31 October 2011

When i Talk about Love. There's no words!

Assalamualaikum.. hehe kelakar la! I just make my self awkward by writing about this.
but nevermind. (xde org baca pn) :)

ok, I'd typed a thousand words about LOVE just now. Suddenly i think it just make me feels stupid and useless.
Bcoz Allah knows what I'm capable of and who the person that Allah be appointed to be my soul mate. and, even i put a thousand words here, it not going to change Anythings.

then those words has been"Deleted" !!!
Thank you. haha...


~ kepada si dia yang di cintai ~ (ckp blkg2 boleh la)


"Saya Sayang Awak Dan Saya Cinta Awak"
     "Saya Lagi Sayang Dan Cinta Allah"
"Saya Sayang & Cinta Awak Kerana Allah"
             "Benar awak ni Jodoh Saya"
     "Kita Bersama Berusaha Ke Jalan yang Esa"

Ameen ya Rabbal Alamin

hahaha ok bye. Assalamualaikum. DONT LAUGH ok!!

Friday 28 October 2011

I'm Graduated. Heaven Convocation! Thank Allah.

Assalamualaikum. haha im gladly tell u guys that im officially graduated on my convocation day on 23rd of Oct 2011. Alhamdulillah.

Thank you to Allah, my Parent, Mates, and friends that keep supporting me tiil i'd completed my studies and hold my own Diploma. Syukur Alhamdulillah. I know this is the beginning of life. im not easily gonna stop it until i fulfill my goals. I still seeking for the right place for furthering my degree.

I just want to tell u that i love my friends so much. no need to mention each name but i know that they noticed it since the first time we meet. ill never forget each time we spend together, every laugh we make, each second we sit together and sincerely put much smile on our face.


HAHA, ok. the day started on 23rs oct 2011. ---------------------

we (black, andy, abu) woke up at 6:20AM. Actually we plan to wake up at 6. haha but all the plan ruin bcoz of us. ok the we ready at 7AM. waiting for other mates and when together to the convocation venue. we lost a bit but everything goes fine with the given direction. we arrived at 7:40AM.

And suddenly i feels like an artist!!! everybody called me asking many questions. my phone doesn't stop ringing. Im became a really busy Man till my dear friend catured me on his camera.

After that i acompany my dear brother (Andy) collecting their gown downstairs. my phone keep ringing. but im glad. feels like a real business man. hohoho... InsyaAllah it will becomed as reallity. that's why I love my friends coz they not going no where's until they found me. haha sound funny huh? haha..

i saw my dear mates there and we captured a photo together using her's smartphone. -Liyana-

Then after settled all those shit, i when to the convocation hall and successfully registered my name on the reception. we met all classmates and friends and start entering the Hall.. Now, the camera's War begun!!

We sit together listen to the speech (act we dont)... haha.. gossips spread among of us.
the clock showed at afternoon. the ceremony just ended. then we had some meals, take some rest.
right after that, we call all friend that still in the Hotel area. to snap some pic together for the last time :')

act im very very sad. but Allah knows well. here some pic captured.

 Its end of ceremony. Im totally missed all of them. if ur love can be seen. my Love is infinity!!

ok now im still waiting for others pic that yet uploaded by others. anything, Ill updating it later k syg.
I love love love them, more than me.  :))


Saturday 15 October 2011

Degree!!! which one? which one?

Assalamualaikum =)

okeh... as i mentioned bfore, im an undergraduate student who seeking for any place to furthering my degree in any Business niche programs that suit me well. i'd make a little survey and looks for several universities. there's a number of programs that i think it surely match my personality and needs.

1. International Business
2. Business Marketing
3. Business cum Engineering Management
4. Business Studies
5. Production n Manufacturing Management
6. Business Administration
7. Finance
8. Business Management

I focused on a place that fulfill my needs and requirement. haha is it funny? who i am to make out those things. but i like to share about it. pls refer below :)

1. Im prefer the IPTS college/University
2. NO need those dress code while attending classes
3. Free lifestyle - can go out for any work or activities in anytime.
4. The place that students had their own right to voice out any complain and unsatisfied things.
5. Glorious environment.
6. NO gap in spending time with friend boys/girls  -  (It's not about girls, it's about LIFE)
7. Had own hostel in college/Uni area. - NO need to walking or spending any money just to attend classes.
8. The Hostel provide the comfortable facilities and rooms.
9. Free Internet.
10. Friendly lecturers.
11. GOOD MANAGEMENT! - Highlighted!
12. The fees must be appropriate with the service provided.

ok i think it's to much!! haha im fuckin jerk rite?
no big just my expectations. if those listed needs are unavailable in
any places... then i just follows the existing rules, facilities n environment in that new place. weeeee !! :)


i want to make a different! need to study hard! to be a Better Man! 

I need to further my degree to get a better life onward. InsyaAllah :)
i just need to belief in my self! and i know that i can be

A Man for my friends
A Man for my family
A Man for my Wife
A Man for my Son/Daughter 

"In the Future" InsyaAllah.

I trust in my self. i pray to Allah to let me be an excellent person. Amin Amin.

Ok that's enough! hehe :) thank you. 
Assalamualaikum. Peace to be upon yall!

"Be Right, Stay Right"

Wednesday 12 October 2011

1,000,000,00 Muslims Gathering...!!!

Assalamualaikum. ^^

Seriously, 1st Question...did u guys "Aware" bout this big event?? Here i explain about it. ok 1st of all how come anybody keep silent in this kind of event getting on? it's not an event that created for villagers or small population niche. ITs a BIG EVENT that never done before in our country. We as a muslims must Highly aware n fully acknowledge in supporting this event.

Pls refer the below description about the event vision:

Himpunan Sejuta Umat antara lain mempunyai objektif berikut:

  • Untuk menerangkan kedudukan perkara yang sebenarnya tidak seperti yang digembar-gembur melalui media.

  • Mengukur tahap kesatuan dan semangat kekitaan dikalangan orang Islam khasnya terhadap gerak-kerja Kristianisasi termasuk peristiwa 3 Ogos 2011.

  • Memberitahu rakyat perlunya persoalan aqidah ditangani melalui hujah agama bukan dibiarkan berlarutan menjadi modal politik.

  • Menserlahkan Institusi Raja yang menjadi payung Bangsa Melayu dan Islam dalam hal peranan mereka dalam sama-sama menangani isu yang menyentuh sensitiviti orang Melayu Islam di negara ini.

  • Menzahirkan kekuatan aqidah dan keimanan masyarakat Islam sambil memberi amaran tentang bahaya yang akan menimpa negara ini seandainya isu ini terus dieksploitasi.

  • Menyedarkan rakyat tentang wujudnya peruntukkan dalam Perlembagaan dan undang-undang negeri yang tidak mengizinkan mana-mana pihak mengganggu-gugat kesucian Islam serta tindakan mendakwahkan agama selain daripada Islam kepada orang Islam.

Refer the official Website

Ya Allah, saya ber doa smoga event ini berjalan lancar. dan permudahkan la urusan ntuk saya dan kwn2 sertai perhimpunan ini. InsyaAllah.

but look, our own muslims been gathered for the "Bersih" campaign for thousand of them. We will see, how many of us intent to attend this kind of campaign.

Assalamualaikum :) peace be upon yall. Y

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Fantastic Five!!

Assalamualaikum. =)
may Allah bless u guys. InsyaAllah.

ok, here i like to share about my real frens. they Actually my Best Friend as other called as BBF. but im prefer to use another word that created by us. we'd call it as KKSGB. hehe u know wat it's really mean about?

"Kawan Karib Selamanya Gila Bab!" =)

quite funny huh? haha... but it true. we become as a good frens since childhood. we been raised at the same place, the same environment that be a good teacher in show the real colour of life.

we went to school, high school together and know... we still together. Alhamdulillah.

But we must know, each relation even they really closed enough.. there must be some bad time. surely we will fight, n getting mad each other. but i think that's matter will be calm shortly. frens that never let me alone.


I hope our friendship will last forever....InsyaAllah. saya berharap Allah tunjuk kan jalan yg lebih terang untuk mereka menuju kejayaan. mungkin jalan tu ade, tp kurang jelas. sama2 la kita menjadi insan yg berguna.

that's all for this post. Thank you for reading (mcm ade je org nak baca)
:) Assalamualaikum. smile peeps!

Monday 10 October 2011

How Great HE is...

Adorable Man. He's a Man He's the Man. Thumbs UP!
it's an old video been shared about past few years. But this video inspiring me Well. that's why it chosen to be spread out for u guys. 


Current Status: Undergraduate!! YEahhhh!! Alhamdulillah.

Assalamualaikum. =)

Aku skrg da jadi undergraduate. Alhamdulillah, im just passed my Diploma in early of August and now waiting for the convocation ceremony. how sweet all those memories that been thru in this few years with them. such a Great people. The upcoming Convocation Ceremony will be held on 23rd of Oct 2011. waiting~waitng~

college/Uni frends and  Mates are the best ppl that encourage me well to complete my studies in Legenda College. yahh i know ppl out there spread such a rumors about Legenda College badness. i admit it too. but, u guys really cant easily judge it unless u were there looks for ur self instead of listen the rumors from others.
Seriously, u will change ur perception of this college if u really be here. trust me.

But now i heard that Legenda getting worst then before. Haha...goood. Pening kepala si khamis bawang tu.
But really, Legenda is the best moment in my life. sure it will be more in future. but for now, Legenda is the best.
the place that i learn about Friendship! kat kolej ni dpt jumpa kwn2 yg x boleh d label. they such a good frens of mine. lelaki, perempuan, n kaum2 yg x boleh di sebut. semua sekali dbwah satu bumbung yg sama dlm tempoh belajar. Best tahu x best? x tau sudah. haha...

watever it is,, how happ am i, i will NOT! promoting others to Studying in Legenda College. it such a Head ache!! hehe :)

I Just want they to know how much i love them. forever. gud luck for ur future my Legendarian.
u're the best among the best.

p/s: gambar2 tu just gambar2 yg lama. saya maksud kan semua, legendarian
 (highlighted for the 2008 - 2011 Student)


Saturday 8 October 2011

Muslims Vs Steve Jobs Dead

Assalamualaikum. As we been informed by world that Mr. Steve Jobs (SJ) the co-founder of Apple Cooperation getting a long new time journey to get a Rest in Peace. and we all see that people (Muslims) keep updating about dis info numerously instead of our Khalifah/Ulama has dead at the same time. And people who judge about that kind of activities, spreading words that our new generations of Muslim nowdays has forgotten our own place n life lane.

Look here, shared about the dead of people that non-muslims are totally not wrong. that kind of info be shared to public but they cant easily been remarked as in violation of their religious. we're not forgotten or broken any Islam rules, but we not "AWARE" about them. SJ is the big person on this earth that all world recognize and acknowledge him. we "AWARE" about him but doesn't mean that we forgotten other muslims people. there's nothing to do with did. it totally not related in any specific sense as well.

He's not a muslim. but u know what, "SJ is also from a Islam Descent". And if u'r really Great Muslims, that do not perform that kind of activities, u should know... what ever religious him hold of, we still on the same twigs the son of Prophet Adam AS & HE great wife Hawa. go and took a research before judging kids!

SJ dead and all people know about him directly from social networks. and we "Accidentially" knows about that news while using it. we not stalking him about how he die, wheres or such else. we just appriciate what he had done lately. changing our view of Apple as a big icon nowdays. He such a great idol. But our 1st idol is Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. there nothing change and not to worry about.

We do not know about the died of Muslims at the same day of SJ dead bcoz there r no such awareness about that. is there any new that spread among the social networks about it? "NO". if there's a news about it, surely our Muslims will spread the word between us.

We are new Muslims generations...."Wake Up". who's here (age range: 17-27) are still reading the news paper everyday instead of getting info from the internet or magazine??
we are using the social networks. and that's the way we did. Pls think out of the box. dont sit and judging around. huuuu go get a life. "Think 1st not Judging" the things that ur not sure enough.

"Stop Being Racist - Coz u'r actually SCARED about your OWNself instead of others"

that's all... Wallahualam. =_=
(buruk dari saya, baik semua dari Allah) - Assalamualaikum -

Friday 7 October 2011

My very 1st post!!

Assalamualaikum. hye! im just created my blog, & this will be the 1st post of mine... weeee..
actually im looking for a place that let me write & spread my opinion about smthing. 
But, here it is,!! its looks suit me well enough. 
uhmmm i think so...coz dis post is the 1st one kott.
let see the several upcoming days afterward, if i still becoming a bloggers or otherwise i let it post it self. LOL

and...nothing to share for the 1st post. so bye bye bye... :)  May peace be upon yall.