Saturday 8 October 2011

Muslims Vs Steve Jobs Dead

Assalamualaikum. As we been informed by world that Mr. Steve Jobs (SJ) the co-founder of Apple Cooperation getting a long new time journey to get a Rest in Peace. and we all see that people (Muslims) keep updating about dis info numerously instead of our Khalifah/Ulama has dead at the same time. And people who judge about that kind of activities, spreading words that our new generations of Muslim nowdays has forgotten our own place n life lane.

Look here, shared about the dead of people that non-muslims are totally not wrong. that kind of info be shared to public but they cant easily been remarked as in violation of their religious. we're not forgotten or broken any Islam rules, but we not "AWARE" about them. SJ is the big person on this earth that all world recognize and acknowledge him. we "AWARE" about him but doesn't mean that we forgotten other muslims people. there's nothing to do with did. it totally not related in any specific sense as well.

He's not a muslim. but u know what, "SJ is also from a Islam Descent". And if u'r really Great Muslims, that do not perform that kind of activities, u should know... what ever religious him hold of, we still on the same twigs the son of Prophet Adam AS & HE great wife Hawa. go and took a research before judging kids!

SJ dead and all people know about him directly from social networks. and we "Accidentially" knows about that news while using it. we not stalking him about how he die, wheres or such else. we just appriciate what he had done lately. changing our view of Apple as a big icon nowdays. He such a great idol. But our 1st idol is Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. there nothing change and not to worry about.

We do not know about the died of Muslims at the same day of SJ dead bcoz there r no such awareness about that. is there any new that spread among the social networks about it? "NO". if there's a news about it, surely our Muslims will spread the word between us.

We are new Muslims generations...."Wake Up". who's here (age range: 17-27) are still reading the news paper everyday instead of getting info from the internet or magazine??
we are using the social networks. and that's the way we did. Pls think out of the box. dont sit and judging around. huuuu go get a life. "Think 1st not Judging" the things that ur not sure enough.

"Stop Being Racist - Coz u'r actually SCARED about your OWNself instead of others"

that's all... Wallahualam. =_=
(buruk dari saya, baik semua dari Allah) - Assalamualaikum -

2 Public Feedback:

Anonymous said...

" He such a great idol. But our 1st idol is Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. there nothing change and not to worry about. "

yg ni aku sokong :)

Black Round in One said...

:) thank you. im worried for those who will misunderstand wat im trying to say. hehe..
anyway, kau pengikut yg pertama! tahniah!
haha :) :) :)

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